



The Lebanese-born writer Amin Maalouf made an interesting point about identity: Other people often pick ours for us.


It’s human nature that we feel our slights more strongly than we feel our advantages, so we all tend to feel downtrodden these days.



……“Above some level of financial security, people care about being part of a community and belonging at work,” said Jennifer Chatman, a professor of management at the Haas School of Business at Berkeley. “The key insight about these kinds of perks is that they bring people together and make work more fun. In this way, they effectively increase motivation and performance.”



As students head to school this year, they should consider this: You don’t have to change the world or find your one true purpose to lead a meaningful life. A good life is a life of goodness — and that’s something anyone can aspire to, no matter their dreams or circumstances.



The truth is that much of the extra effort these entrepreneurs and their employees are putting in is pointless anyway. Working beyond 56 hours in a week adds little productivity, according to a 2014 report by the Stanford economist John Pencavel. But the point may be less about productivity than about demonstrating commitment and team spirit.



More important for the nation’s bottom line, the country’s preference for the bicycle could save its economy $23 billion each year, according to a recent study done at Utrecht University and published in the American Journal of Public Health. The study suggested that the Netherlands’ vigorous cycling habits prevented 6,500 premature deaths each year.

为什么大的外企,都试点上海? 地球经济中心要反思了

Facebook is blocked in China, but it is feeling comfortable enough there to look for its own place. The social media giant in recent months has quietly scouted for office space in Shanghai, according to two people with knowledge of its efforts there….



Dissembling helps grease the wheels of daily life. If your partner can spot every suppressed yawn, and your boss every grimace of irritation, marriages and working relationships will be more truthful, but less harmonious. The basis of social interactions might change, too, from a set of commitments founded on trust to calculations of risk and reward derived from the information a computer attaches to someone’s face. Relationships might become more rational, but also more transactional.



Companies that see their trademarks go generic may be unable to renew them. So Google does not want you to use the phrase “to google a hoover”.




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