TOEFL®、GRE® 在家考延续到2021.1.1 及本周在家考题目


一个是TOEFL、GRE 的在家考会延续到2021.1.1


但在Proctor 的选时间的界面,如果你是最近新报名的,你会发现,下面这段文字 

供选择的截止时间到了 January 1, 2021

加上之前GMAT 已经延续到了12.31

官网这几天应该就会更新到 2020.1.1 的消息了。


本周(8.16开始) 到目前为止在家考回忆的三套写作试题. 


20200817在家考 = 20180526 Sometimes at work or school, you might encounter a problem that requires creativity – for example, when you are given a new task to complete that is very different from other tasks you do. In work or school situations that require you to think creatively, would you prefer to work alone or with others? Why?

这题构思时候需要注意落脚点是一个creative task。所以不要只谈合作还是单独。

20200817在家考 People should buy things made in their own country, even if they cost more than the same things that are made elsewhere.



20200816在家考= 20180826

Imagine you need to improve your performance in order to get better grades or higher work payment which way would you choose

1.doing more extra work or assignments that are required

2.participate more actively or contributing your own idea more frequently in the group discussion


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GMAT™️ is a registered trademark of GMAC. This website is not endorsed or approved by GMAC.
