GRE 的阅读和填空的本质都是重复




然后我们聚焦到GRE 语文部分的阅读和填空来说下。






题目 + 正确选项 = 文本



空格 + 一部分文本 = 另一部分文本

而上面两个公式的 “=”, 本质上都是重复。



所以在备考GRE 时候,对于单词的记忆是最基本的词的重复,然后有词和句子之间的重复,有句子和句子之间的重复,有句子和篇章的重复,还有篇章和篇章之间的重复。

当然以上的这一段,我只是想说,GRE 考试中单词只是最基础的前提,只是当我们最基础前提没有满足的时候,会感觉这个考试就是单词,但是,当你满足了这个基本前提以后。你再去做题,你就会感受到这种重复了。



选择了LAB 330+ 真题阅读里面的第8篇

According to Hill and Spicer, the term “nation-state” is a misnomer, since the ideal model of a monolingual, culturally homogeneous state has never existed, not even among Europeans, who invented the nation-state concept and introduced it to the rest of the world. Modern European states, they argue, emerged after the Renaissance through the rise of nations (i.e., specific ethnic groups) to positions of political and economic dominance over a number of other ethnic groups within the bounded political territories. The term “nation-state”, Hill and Spicer argue, obscures the internal cultural and linguistic diversity of states that could more accurately be called “conquest states.” The resurgence of multiple ethnic groups within a single state, Hill says, is not “potentially threating to the sovereign jurisdiction of the state,” as Urban and Sherzer suggest; rather, the assertion of cultural differences threatens to reveal ethnocentric beliefs and practices upon which conquest states were historically founded and thus to open up the possibility for a “nations-state” in which conquered ethnic groups enjoy equal rights with the conquering ethnic group but do not face the threat of persecution or cultural assimilation into the dominant ethnic group.



According to Hill and Spicer, the term “nation-state” is a misnomer, since the ideal model of a monolingual, culturally homogeneous state has never existed, not even among Europeans, who invented the nation-state concept and introduced it to the rest of the world.[通过第一句可以知道,要谈的是 “民族国家”这个名字取错了,因为不存在这样的国家] Modern European states, they argue, emerged after the Renaissance through the rise of nations (i.e., specific ethnic groups) to positions of political and economic dominance over a number of other ethnic groups within the bounded political territories.(这个颜色表示,和前面nation-state 的概念相反,欧洲是多民族的国家) The term “nation-state”, Hill and Spicer argue, obscures the internal cultural and linguistic diversity of states that could more accurately be called “conquest states.引入了一个新的概念,“征服国家” The resurgence of multiple ethnic groups within a single state, Hill says, is not “potentially threating to the sovereign jurisdiction of the state,” as Urban and Sherzer suggest; 承认一个国家有不同民族,不会威胁国家主权,那么为什么还要说是“民族国家”呢? rather, the assertion of cultural differences threatens to reveal ethnocentric beliefs and practices upon which conquest states were historically founded 说“多民族”,会揭露主要民族的特权 and thus to open up the possibility for a “nations-state” 导致主要民族可能因为社会压力,不得不放弃一些特权,成立多民族国家 in which conquered ethnic groups enjoy equal rights with the conquering ethnic group but do not face the threat of persecution or cultural assimilation into the dominant ethnic group.这样使得曾经的非主要民族也能共享一些权利了


第一层: nation state 名字错了


第三层:这种多个民族的国家,准确的说,应该叫conquest state

第四层:那么为什么要不承认是多民族的国家呢?原因不是会threaten 了国家主权,而是主流民族怕失去特权


下面来看下题目, 题目本质也是对于文本的重复,这里不细分析题目了,就说下正确答案是怎么重复的。

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

问文章主旨,文章主要谈的就是nation state 这个说法不对,应该叫什么,以及为什么会有这个名字。看下选项

A. discuss issues relating to a form of political organization by raising doubts about the terminology used to refer to it  这个答案就是对于我们文本第一句的重复,所以选它

B. trace changes in a form of political organization by examining the evolution of the terminology used to refer to

C. justify the continued use of an established term for an evolving form of political organization

D. question the accuracy of a new term for a form of political organization 这个答案容易误选,注意new term 是 conquest state,所以,不是文章主旨

E. compare two terms for a form of political organization

2. The author of the passage quotes Urban and Sherzer most probably in order to

目的题,说U&S 是为了干嘛,他们在原文说了为什么要不承认多民族的特性,主要是怕threaten 了特权

A. introduce a discussion of the legal ramifications of expanding the nation- state concept

B. summarize a claim about one possible effect of asserting cultural differences within a state  就是对原文threaten 部分内容的同义重复,选B

C. shift the focus of discussion from internal threats that states face to external threats that they face

D. point out similarities between the threats to states seen by Urban and Sherzer and those seen by Hill

E. describe one way an ethnocentric practice has affected attempts to assert cultural differences within a state


填空真题里面也有题misnomer 的,就用这题来看下填空里面的重复

The scientist (i)_____ that the now familiar term “global warming” is (ii)_____, arguing that the atmospheric buildup of long-lived greenhouse gases is setting in motion centuries of shifts in climate patterns, coastlines, water resources, and ecosystems—hardly (iii)_____ one would describe with a gentle word like “warming”.

Blank (i)   A. denied     B. complained    C. doubted

Blank (ii) D. an exaggeration   E. a cliché   F. a misnomer

Blank (iii) G. a transformation   H. an enigma   I. a signal


第一空,问我们scientist 发出了什么动作,目前不知道

The scientist (i)_____ that

第二空,问了我们 global warming 这个概念怎么样,同样,读到第二空时候没有给我们信息

The scientist (i)_____ that the now familiar term “global warming” is (ii)_____,

接着往后,看到 arguing,这 开始是一个分词结构和主句的重复,就是说arguing 这个动作是scientist 发出的,所以理论上第一空scientist干了什么,我们可以有答案了。

scientist 觉得(arguing)grenhouse gases 的积聚 正在引起(setting in motion) 气候结构、海岸线、水资源和生态系统,几个世纪的改变

到目前为止只是谈了arguing 的具体内容,没看出来scientist态度。

所以继续看破折号后面,说这个几个世纪的改变,不是(hardly)一种什么(第三空),人们会用warming 这样缓和的词来描述。

读到这里最早出答案的其实是第三空,因为有个直接的重复,说 一种shifts 不是另外一种什么(第三空),当然就是不是另外一种shift,所以选G, transformation 

…. shifts in climate patterns, coastlines, water resources, and ecosystemshardly (iii)_____ one would describe with a gentle word like “warming”.

从hardly 可以看出来,最后一句的态度给的是很明确的,就是,warming 这个词显得太gentle了,所以第一空,scientist 显然是负向 complain 的态度,另外第二空warming 这个词,就是用的不恰当(misnomer)了。

