

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
wane (verb)
intransitive verb
to decrease in size, extent, or degree as - dwindle
a) to diminish in phase or intensity - used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets
b) to become less brilliant or powerful - dim
c) to flow out - ebb
to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence abate
wane (noun)
a) the act or process of waning - strength on the wane
b) a period or time of waning , specifically the period from the full moon to the new moon
Middle English, defect, from Old English akin to Old English deficient a defect in lumber characterized by bark or a lack of wood at a corner or edge
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
wane (verb)
to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually
abate, decline, de-escalate, die (away down out), diminish, drain (away), drop (off), dwindle, ease, ebb, fall, fall away, lessen, let up, lower, moderate, pall, phase down, ratchet (down) rachet (down), recede, relent, remit, shrink, subside, taper, taper off, wane
compress, condense, constrict, contract; evaporate, fade (away), fritter (away), give out, melt (away), peter (out), tail (off), vanish; slacken, slow (down); alleviate, relax; flag, sink, weaken; cave (in), collapse, deflate
appear, emerge, show up; blow up, distend, elongate, lengthen
accumulate, balloon, build, burgeon ( bourgeon), enlarge, escalate, expand, grow, increase, intensify, mount, mushroom, pick up, rise, snowball, soar, swell, wax
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