

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
temper (verb)
transitive verb
to dilute, qualify, or soften by the addition or influence of something else - moderate temper justice with mercy
a) to exercise control over - govern restrain
b) to cause to be well disposed - mollify tempered and reconciled them both Richard Steele
to bring to a suitable state by mixing in or adding a usually liquid ingredient as
a) to mix (clay) with water or a modifier (as grog) and knead to a uniform texture
b) to mix oil with (colors) in making paint ready for use
a) (1) to soften (as hardened steel or cast iron) by reheating at a lower - temperature
(2) to harden (as steel) by reheating and cooling in oil
b) to anneal or toughen (glass) by a process of gradually heating and cooling
to make stronger and more resilient through hardship - toughen troops tempered in battle
a) to put in tune with something - attune
b) to adjust the pitch of (a note, chord, or instrument) to a - temperament
temper (noun)
a) archaic a suitable proportion or balance of qualities a middle state between extremes - mean medium virtue is … a just temper between propensities T. B. Macaulay
b) archaic - character quality the temper of the land you design to sow John Mortimer
c) characteristic tone - trend the temper of the times
d) high quality of mind or spirit - courage
a) the state of a substance with respect to certain desired qualities (as hardness, elasticity, or workability) , especially the degree of hardness or resiliency given steel by - tempering
b) the feel and relative solidity of leather
a) a characteristic cast of mind or state of feeling - disposition
b) calmness of mind - composure
c) state of feeling or frame of mind at a particular time usually dominated by a single strong emotion
d) heat of mind or emotion proneness to anger - passion she has a real temper
a substance (as a metal) added to or mixed with something else (as another metal) to modify the properties of the latter disposition
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
temper (noun)
a special quality or impression associated with something
air, ambience ( ambiance), aroma, atmosphere, climate, flavor, halo, karma, mood, nimbus, note, odor, patina, smell, temper, vibration(s)
aureole ( aureola), mystique, romance; genius loci; feel, feeling, sensation, sense, spirit; attribute, character, characteristic, image, mark, notion, peculiarity, picture, property, trait; color, illusion, overtone, semblance, suggestion, tone
temper (noun)
a state of mind dominated by a particular emotion
cheer, feather, humor, mode, spirit, temper
angle, attitude, mind-set, outlook, perspective, slant, standpoint, viewpoint; emotion, feeling, heart, passion, sentiment; strain; belief, conviction, judgment ( judgement), mind, opinion; expression, tone, vein; character, disposition, identity, individuality, makeup, mettle, personality, selfhood, self-identity, temper, temperament; responsiveness, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity
temper (noun)
one's characteristic attitude or mood
grain, nature, temper, temperament
cheer, frame, habit, humor, inclination, mode, spirit; angle, attitude, mind-set, outlook, perspective, slant, standpoint, viewpoint; emotion, feeling, heart, passion, sentiment, spirit; strain; belief, conviction, judgment ( judgement), mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, view; expression, tone, vein; character, identity, individuality, makeup, mettle, personality, selfhood, self-identity, setup; responsiveness, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity
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