New York Times


原标题:How to Tell if It’s More Than Just a Bad Mood 原作者:Nancy Wartik 原刊于:New York Times, May 21, 2020  转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 For quite a while after it hit, life wasn’t bad. I had a job, at least, and was buoyed by family togetherness, by connecting and reconnecting virtually with friends. By the sensation of living through …

关注疫情下的心理健康,这不是“矫情” Read More »

‘Normal People’ 观后感:Time goes on, people grow older.

2018年的一本畅销小说, Hulu 拍成了电视剧,同样评价很高,以下为来自于《纽时》 同样用词方面很值得学习的一个剧评 原标题:‘Normal People’ Review: Their Love Will Tear You Apart 原作者:James Poniewozik 原刊于:New York Times 转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 Even if you have never read Sally Rooney’s “Normal People,” you will immediately realize that the TV adaptation is a young-love story. If the moony soundtrack doesn’t clue you in, you will need only a few …

‘Normal People’ 观后感:Time goes on, people grow older. Read More »


最近这段时间对于散文类型的文字比较喜欢。 总觉得观点类的essay 看不到文章背后的人。虽然观点已经很个性了彰显了这个人,但总感觉人是躲在了观点的后面。 到是这种叙事性的文字,每一处生活场景的描述,每一个不经意的内心小心思的表达,感觉近,就像也去过场景里描述的那个地方,经历过同样的事情。 文字的好手大抵都是擅长写叙事性散文的吧。 以前不懂散文。 现在愈发觉得就是这种文体,在看似轻松的字里行间,给人建立了很强的内心共鸣。 原标题:The People Behind the Counter Are People 原作者:Min Jin Lee 原刊于:New York Times, May 14, 2020  转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 I wanted some noodles. You can get jajangmyeon, the Korean version of the Chinese black bean sauce noodles, in plenty of places. Queens has a strong jajangmyeon game, but I live …

听到jajangmyeon了吗 Read More »


Huge Jackman 的最新电影 《Bad Education》,  宣传说是根据真实事件改编的,讲述了最早有校报记者揭露,后主流报纸才介入的纽约长岛一所K-12名校高层挪用公款的事件。 烂番茄评分 IMDB 评分 当然剧本会有改编,但看完片以后还是想去看下主角是不是实现了新闻理想(因为当时还是高中生)。 以下文章刊登于New York Times, 电影里校报记者之一的自述 原标题:On Top of the News at Roslyn High 原作者:Rebekah Rombom 原刊于:New York Times, June 27, 2004 转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 Rebekah Rombom, one of two editors in chief of The Hilltop Beacon, the student newspaper at Roslyn High School, did what few high school journalists …

那个揭露学校高层腐败的校报记者后来去了哪里 Read More »