

原标题:Portraits of Isolation in the Arctic 原作者:Video by The Atlantic 转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 The Northwest Territories encompasses some of the northernmost regions of Canada and extends high into the Arctic Circle. It is about twice the size of Texas but home to only 44,000 residents, who live in small communities spread across its vast area. The capital …

8分钟的片子,记录了疫情下的“极地”生活 Read More »


原标题:The Books Briefing: Turning to Fiction to Cope With Fear 原作者:ROSA INOCENCIO SMITH As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, disrupting some of the most basic aspects of daily life, people around the world are facing the anxiety and uncertainty that come with an unseen and fast-moving threat. Readers and writers have often turned to …

疫情宅家可以读的书 Read More »


别太关注市场, 从目前的局势看,股市跌才是正常的。 但是跌多少是理性, 这个,我们大多数人都不懂。 那些以为自己懂的人,也不懂。 新冠还没历史记录,其对于市场的影响,还很难有过去的参考。 但可以看下每年这个时候的流感对于美国股市的影响。有人搜集了从1998到2006 的流感季的股市情况,发现的确当纽约这样的大城市沦陷的时候,股市会显得很低迷,交易量大大减少,而原因可能仅仅是因为交易员生病了。 When Wald, along with the researchers Brian McTier and Yiuman Tse, examined trading records from 1998 to 2006, they found that in weeks when the flu was more widespread, stock-market returns were lower. They also found that when there was a higher incidence of the flu in …

任它跌涨,别动股市,别碰脸 Read More »


原标题:20 Seconds to Optimize Hand Wellness 原刊于:Atlantic 原作者:JAMES HAMBLIN It’s a familiar situation in a public restroom: You’re on your way in, and someone else is leaving without washing their hands. They see you, and wheel around toward the sink. They start whistling, as if to seem casual, and then give their hands a quick …

洗手20秒,这是公德 Read More »


文章出自Atlantic, 讲的是美国人工作怎么怎么辛苦了。当然相比的是欧洲。 我们的要模仿的展开结构在下面的彩色字体部分 原标题:Why White-Collar Workers Spend All Day at the Office 原作者:Derek Thompson   原刊于:Atlantic, DECEMBER 4, 2019 This is not a matter of opinion so much as a factual point of international comparison. The average American worker labors more hours than her counterparts in just about every similarly rich country, including Japan, Canada, …

这里有一篇外刊文章展开结构可以模仿一下 Read More »

2019 年度总结 | 15部值得看的美剧

这可能是内容创作最好的时代,也可能是最坑的时代。 更多的科技公司投入到了内容的投资。 2019年有超过500部原创美剧上线,为历史最多。 下面的这个榜单来自于Atlantic, 可能没有那些一直以来的大IP,但是这15部剧很好的代表了2019 这个独特的年份 原标题:The 15 Best TV Shows of 2019 原作者:SOPHIE GILBERT 原刊于:The Atlantic It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Television in 2019 offered up sweet birthday babies and hot priests; exposed nuclear cores and examined injustices; giant octopuses and the king of edible leaves, His …

2019 年度总结 | 15部值得看的美剧 Read More »


人们都夸早起。希望在9点上班前,拥有自己的时间。锻炼下身体,回复下邮件。 网上有很多所谓成功人士分享自己的作息,好像都是早起的影子。有人5点开始一天,也有夸张的,比如Mark Wahlberg,2:30 就开始自己的一天了。但你也要注意人家7:30 就睡觉了,你是不是还在上班或者晚自习? 这样的内容看多了以后,就会使得要定好几个闹钟还醒不来的人群焦虑了。感觉自己所有的不顺利都是因为不能早起。 如果你也是早起困难人群(morning-challenged people),不知道有没有发现,那些偶尔早起的日子,不管是状态和还是效率都会变得更差。当然有不适应的原因,也是因为早起消耗掉了太多的willpower,导致这一天的其他时间我们会不自然的“滑水”。毕竟我们已经早起了,该犒劳一下这一天“这么优秀”的自己。 尴尬的是,如果我们因为有人早起,然后有所成绩,就把早起和成绩画上等号的话。仔细看一下周遭的“成功者故事”,我们会发现,ta们中也有很多人是晚睡的。 这个时候就麻烦了,那到底是早起还是晚睡导致了“成功”呢? 其实关键的还是找到自己的做事节奏。 冬天了,懒一会儿床,也没什么。别太自责自己。这种心理上的压力,对你没什么好处。 如果真的烦心自己的懒床,那就花点willpower 在起床这件事情上,每天早个15分钟;看会不会好受些。 如果好受了,那就坚持,毕竟让自己舒服很重要。 如果没有好受,那就算了,毕竟,让自己舒服很重要。 来自Atlantic 的文章 The False Promise of Morning Routines 原标题:The False Promise of Morning Routines 原作者:MARINA KOREN 原刊于:Atlantic, DECEMBER 2, 2019 My mornings are the messiest part of my day. I do not rise and shine. Instead, I hit snooze on …

不要因为不想早起而有罪恶感 Read More »


原标题:Why Grown-Ups Keep Talking Like Little Kids 副标题:Embracing your inner child is comforting and fun—and just might revitalize the English language. 原作者:JOHN MCWHORTER 原刊于:Atlantic I recently had the honor of meeting an award-winning literary sort, a man wry and restrained and overall quite utterly mature, who casually referred to having gone through a phase in his …

为什么成年人喜欢说话像“宝宝” Read More »