

重点推荐下 Once More We Saw Stars,有对应的繁体中文版,看了下淘宝有 英文原版也已加入LAB Reads (Apple Store 搜索) 原标题:Books About Kids, for Adults 原作者:MYLES POYDRAS 原刊于:Atlatnic, May 30, 2020  转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 J. D. Salinger understood how children can change adults’ experience of the world. Many of his stories prominently feature child characters who reinvigorate their adult counterparts, as is the case in his short story …

推荐给成年人的关于孩子的书 Read More »


如题,因为等待的不确定感会让你更不舒服。 横竖都有不确定,但行动能让这份不安有所缓解。 原标题:Dear Graduates, Never Wait Your Turn 原作者:JEMELE HILL 原刊于:Atlantic, May 24, 2020  转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 Congratulations to the class of 2020. This is the point where I’m supposed to project calm and confidence, and reassure you that everything you’re experiencing right now will be a tiny footnote in the life you’ve imagined for yourself. But …

是机票,还是申请,还是工作机会,不要等待别人的安排 Read More »


数据显示,在经济萧条期进入职场的毕业生,相比于那些非萧条期进入职场的同样资历的毕业生,工作机会少,收入低。而且这种机会上的劣势会持续一段时间。 Researchers have shown that the economic scars of graduating into a recession—sustained higher rates of unemployment (for high-school graduates) and lower earnings (for everyone) compared with peers graduating as little as a year or two earlier or later—can last for as long as 10 or 15 years. 另外,萧条期进入职场还可能影响我们的身体健康状态。 This bad luck may also be …

如果我在2020年大学毕业 Read More »

那些站在Trump 后面的尴尬面孔

原标题:They Stand Behind the President 原作者:Phil Rosenthal   原刊于:Atlantic 转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 Donald Trump loves attention, and people can’t help but give it to him. It’s been this way for a generation. Television cameras and tabloids were trained on him long before he was president, and even more so now. In the three years since he took …

那些站在Trump 后面的尴尬面孔 Read More »


原标题:One Thing Space Agencies Must Watch Out for Now: Cats 原作者:MARINA KOREN 原刊于:Atlantic,April 23, 2020  转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 Daniel Lakey was in the middle of an important meeting when an unauthorized participant decided to chime in. “He appeared at the door, jumped on the table, meowed in my face, walked across the keyboard, put his furry ass …

喵星人是不是在影响你在家的工作/学习 Read More »


原标题:Unexpected Movie Masterpieces to Watch in Quarantine 原作者:DAVID SIMS 原刊于:Atlantic 转载未获授权,如有授权请联系删除。 With new cinema releases grinding to a halt in response to the spread of the coronavirus, I’ve used these weeks of self-quarantine to cast an eye backward over the cinematic canon, to rewatch old favorites, and to fill in viewing gaps. Now I’ve begun …

宅家可以看的30部宝藏大片 Read More »