Sun Sun

11.16 托福口语满分示范:这次轮到world news

满分示范音频在文末! 2019.11.16 Question 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  It is important for people to spend time reading and watching the world news everyday.  Please explain your answer in details and examples. 今天的题目很微妙阿。 最近这两个元素都有在考,一个是 news, 比如上周: 2019.11.09 上午场 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are more interested …

11.16 托福口语满分示范:这次轮到world news Read More »

11.9 下午场托福口语满分示范呀!经典题目重现

这场题很简单… 满分示范在文末! 20191109 下午场 Question 1 Some people prefer to take classes given by experienced professors. Others like to attend classes taught by inexperienced professors. Which one do you prefer? Please explain why in details and examples. 这个好老的话题了呀,就是 “有经验 vs. 没有经验”。 2016年 / 2017年都有考类似的, 不仅仅考了老师,还考过医生。 20170812-2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  …

11.9 下午场托福口语满分示范呀!经典题目重现 Read More »

11.10 托福口语满分示范:努力 vs. 运气

今天考了什么呢?快来看看~ 满分示范在文末! 20191110 Question 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good luck is as important as hard work in achieving success for a person’s career. Please explain why in details and examples. 这 … 不就是 talent vs. effort 那系列吗 ! 只是把 talent 换成了 luck … 反正就是 “让一个人成功最重要的是什么” 这个问题延伸出来的。 考过类似的题目有: 20160227-2 Some …

11.10 托福口语满分示范:努力 vs. 运气 Read More »

11.9 托福口语满分示范:bad news vs. good news

来看看今天考了什么哦, 满分示范音频照旧在结尾!(scroll down~) 20191109 上午场 Question 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are more interested in reading bad news than reading good news. Please explain why in details and examples in your answer. 有趣的题目呀。 News 的题目也考过好一些了。 以前三选题就很喜欢考比如 “你喜欢看哪种话题的新闻” ,然后给你三个选择。[然后现在没了]… 或者你觉得小孩子该不该接触新闻… 20180324-2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? …

11.9 托福口语满分示范:bad news vs. good news Read More »

11.3 托福口语满分示范:年年考的老题呀!

今天的口语题目 …  就是 … 看到以后就会偷笑的那种。  满分示范照例在文末。 先来看看题: Question 1  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  The school should record the lectures and put them on the school website one day after the lecture. Please explain your answer in details and examples. [= 重复 20171118] 这题是不是看着很熟悉 … 没错!就是 2017 考过的,一模一样的题。 2018 年也考了类似的: 20180128-2 Do …

11.3 托福口语满分示范:年年考的老题呀! Read More »

11.2 托福口语满分示范:世界历史 vs 本国历史

听说今天的题目都不难呀, 我们来看看口语部分考了什么呢。 Question 1 Some people think that the school should offer World History classes. Others believe that it is better for the school to focus on teaching their own country’s history. Which one do you agree with? Please explain why and include specific details and examples. History 是以前课程三选题的挚爱,今天又考到了。 这个题基本可以和 “历史重不重要“ 和 ”要不要额外学“ 的题目挂钩一起练习构思。 2016就考过历史的题,比如: …

11.2 托福口语满分示范:世界历史 vs 本国历史 Read More »

10.27 托福口语满分示范:今天题目有5行这么长

今天托福口语的观点题,有5行这么长…… 但这是 distraction,考的题目内容还是差不多啊的,大家稳住! 照旧,前面是题,中间是题目联想,最后的满分示范录音。 Have fun. 10.27 第1题(观点题): Question 1 There is a piece of vacant land in the city center. Some people think the vacant land should be used to construct buildings for companies in order to offer more job opportunities. Others think it is better to build a park instead for people in …

10.27 托福口语满分示范:今天题目有5行这么长 Read More »

10.26 托福口语满分示范来啦!

今天的托福考生都很勇敢! 来看看题目吧,满分示范录音在最底下~ feel free to listen Question 1 Some people think that adventurous activities such as rock climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery. Others think people who participate in these activities are not brave but simply foolish. Which one do you agree with? Please explain why in details and examples. 2015年的时候考过一个差不多的问题。 [20151025] A …

10.26 托福口语满分示范来啦! Read More »