华尔街日报双语 | 中美主播隔空辩贸易战

BEIJING—Hosts from Fox Business Network and Chinese state television discussed U.S.-China trade in a prime-time broadcast, which aired live in the U.S. and on a delay in China.
福斯商业新闻网(Fox Business Network,也译为“福斯商业新闻网”)和中国国家电视台主持人在黄金时段节目中就美中贸易问题展开辩论,这档节目在美国现场直播,在中国的播出时间则有延迟。

The 15-minute debate featured a back-and-forth between two hosts: Fox Business’s Trish Regan and Liu Xin, who hosts an English-language current-affairs show for China Global Television Network, a state-run outlet aimed at overseas audiences.
福斯商业新闻网的Trish Regan与中国环球电视网(China Global Television Network, 简称CGTN)英语时事节目主持人刘欣在15分钟的辩论中展开了交锋。CGTN是一家面向海外观众的中国国有电视媒体。

The Wednesday event got its start on social media. Ms. Liu accused Ms. Regan of getting her facts wrong about the trade dispute, which has soured relations between the world’s largest economies and disturbed global markets.

Some Chinese social media users congratulated Ms. Liu on her poise and said Ms. Regan was rude. Some Twitter users in the U.S. suggested the two women should resolve the trade dispute themselves. Others said the debate was too polite.

The conversation began awkwardly when Ms. Regan introduced Ms. Liu as a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Ms. Liu said she isn’t a party member and doesn’t speak for the CCP.

“I learned English because I had American teachers,” Ms. Liu said in response to Ms. Regan’s questions about forced technology transfers.

Ms. Liu tried to play down the role of the Chinese government in business, saying state-owned enterprises are playing “an important but increasingly smaller role” in the economy, adding that the vast majority of Chinese people work for and innovate at private companies. Getting rid of tariffs, she said, “would be a wonderful idea,” but that would be complicated in a global economy.

Against a scrolling list of intellectual property theft cases filed in the U.S., Ms. Liu said, “I do not deny that there are IP infringement, there are copyright issues, there are piracy and even theft of commercial secrets.”

“I think that’s a common practice probably in every part of the world and there are companies in the United States who sue each other all the time over infringement on IP rights, and you can’t say simply because these cases are happening that America is stealing or China is stealing or the Chinese people are stealing,” she said.

After the discussion, Ms. Regan said Ms. Liu’s remarks were an admission that China steals American intellectual property.

Users of Chinese social media feverishly anticipated the face-off; posts about the debate reached 1.5 billion on the Twitter-like Weibo platform as of Wednesday afternoon. Many Chinese relished the prospect that Ms. Liu, with her polished English and crisp, matter-of-fact manner, would prevail.

For CGTN, and the Chinese government that backs it, the attention was a chance to galvanize the public at a moment of testy relations with Washington. It was also an opportunity to win over a global audience—and perhaps avid Fox watcher President Trump.
对CGTN和支持这家媒体的中国政府来说,这种关注是在中美关系紧张的背景下激发公众情绪的一个机会。这也是一个赢得全球观众、或许还有福斯的忠实观众美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)的机会。

“To have someone representing Chinese government views speak to Fox is a golden opportunity for the government,” said Li Xigen, a professor at the department of media and communication at City University of Hong Kong. “Even if the government is willing to pay for such a time slot, it might not be possible to get such audience attention.”
香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong)媒体与传播系教授李喜根表示,能有一位代表中国政府观点的人与福斯直接对话,这对中国政府来说是一个黄金机会,即使政府愿意为这样一个时段付费,可能也得不到如此多的关注。

A live debate, however, also carried risk for Beijing.

CGTN said it originally intended to broadcast the program in China but later said it couldn’t because Fox holds the copyright and Ms. Liu appeared as a guest from Beijing. It instead planned to use real-time updates.

Fox Business Network said it would provide a live stream of the event online. CGTN didn’t respond to a request for clarification. The program streamed with a delay in China.

Fox Business shares a common owner with The Wall Street Journal.
福斯商业新闻网与《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)同属于一家母公司。

China strictly limits access to foreign broadcasts and blocks the websites of most Western news organizations, as well as social media like Twitter. The Regan-Liu debate took place ahead of the 30th anniversary of the Chinese military’s brutal crackdown on the T* Square democracy demonstrators, a time when censors are especially on edge. Trade talks between Beijing and Washington have all but broken off.

“This is a touchy moment for the leadership,” said David Bandurski, co-director at the University of Hong Kong’s China Media Project. “Moments like this can go wrong. So we can brace ourselves for some very erratic and robust controls on the discussion as it unfolds in China, attempting to play up Liu Xin’s perceived victories.”
香港大学(University of Hong Kong)中国传媒项目联合主管班志远(David Bandurski)说,这对中国领导层是一个敏感时刻;像这种时候有可能出差错,所以在大家开始讨论并宣扬刘欣获胜的时候,可能会有一些非常不稳定而又强有力的舆论控制行动出现。

Under President Xi Jinping, state media outlets—meaning practically all media in China—have been tasked with spreading the Communist Party’s views to foreign audiences. These organizations have commissioned English-language rap videos, purchased full-page ads in American newspapers touting their viewpoints and advertised in Times Square in Manhattan.

CGTN, a rebranded consolidation of the foreign-language operations of state-run TV outlet China Central Television, is trying to compete with global broadcasters like BBC and CNN. It says it reaches audiences in 170 countries and regions.
CGTN是中国中央电视台(China Central Television)各项外语业务整合后重新成立的新国际传播机构,力图与英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation, 简称BBC)和有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network, 简称CNN)等全球广播公司竞争。CGTN称自己的受众遍及全球170个国家和地区。

“This is not just two anchors talking. On the back of the Chinese anchor, she has a full team, the Chinese ministry training her up and she has been endorsed by the Chinese government,” said Bruce Lui, senior lecturer in the journalism department of Hong Kong Baptist University. “The main problem facing the Chinese government is the U.S. trade war. There is no individual decision making here. This is a party-backed decision.”
香港浸会大学(Hong Kong Baptist University)新闻系高级讲师吕秉权(Bruce Lui)说,这不仅是两名主播之间的对话,刘欣背后有一个完整的团队,官方对她进行了培训,她获得了中国政府的支持。吕秉权表示,中国政府当前面临的主要问题是与美国的贸易战,在这件事情上没有个人决策,这是中共支持的决定。

So far, CGTN’s efforts have largely come up short in winning the hearts and minds of Western audiences, said Dr. Li of the City University of Hong Kong. It was recently forced to register its U.S. arm as a foreign agent under orders from the Justice Department as the Trump administration takes a harder line on Chinese government-led activities.

Ms. Liu joined CGTN’s predecessor in 1997 and began hosting her weekday opinion program, “The Point with Liu Xin,” in 2017. She speaks frequently about what she calls biased Western media coverage of China.
刘欣1997年加入CGTN的前身,2017年开始主持新闻评述栏目《欣视点》(The Point with Liu Xin)。她经常谈到西方媒体报道对中国的偏见。

Ms. Regan joined Fox Business in 2015 as an anchor and hosts “Trish Regan Primetime.” The discussion between the two women began two weeks ago when Ms. Regan said U.S. tariffs were a response to China stealing $600 billion worth of intellectual property a year. Ms. Liu said that figure was unverified and accused Ms. Regan of “economic warmongering” and using emotion instead of substance in her arguments.
Regan于2015年加入福斯商业新闻网担任主播,主持”Trish Regan Primetime”节目。两人的隔空舌战是在两周前开始的,当时Regan表示,中国每年从美国窃取价值6,000亿美元的知识产权,关税是美国的回击。刘欣批评说,这个数字未经验证,Regan发布经济战言论,渲泄的尽是情绪和指责,却少有实质依据。

Ms. Regan wrote: “Hey #China State TV—let’s have an HONEST debate on #trade. You accuse me of being ‘emotional’ and not knowing my facts—wrong! You name the time and place, and I’ll be there!” To which Ms. Liu replied: “My name is not #China State TV. It’s LIU Xin and please, feel free to call me Xin.”

“The initial reaction was that Trish is really disrespectful, not really making any real claims and that she’s attacking China and Chinese people,” said Ashley Galina Dudarenok, founder of China digital-marketing agency Alarice. Ms. Liu’s “responses made her a national hero. She’s composed. She sticks to the point. They’re really proud of her.”
中国数字营销机构Alarice的创始人Ashley Galina Dudarenok说:“人们的最初反应是Trish很无礼,没有提出什么真正的主张,她在攻击中国和中国人民;而刘欣的回应让她成了民族英雄,她有理有据,切中要害。他们真的为她感到骄傲。”

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