
首先,感谢Tommy 提供的今天的TOEFL在家考的考题

20200624 在家考独立写作题目 = 20171112 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Older teenagers (16-19) should be allowed to work at paid part-time job.




Part time job 坏处比如占时间,没价值。

好处比如cover 学费,工作经验,沟通能力等。

以下是纽约时报的一篇关于Summer Job(学生在暑假打临工)的文章,有很多的表达可以直接摘录下,不管是应对考试,还是积累素材库都是很有价值的

当然我们的题目说的是任何时间的part time,所以summer job 是我们题目的子集,用文中观点的时候,需要注意这个差异。

原标题:The Virtues of a Summer Job

原作者:Ann Carrns

原刊于:New York Times


The share of teenagers working summer jobs had dwindled(可以作为reduce 或 decrease 的同义替代) for years, but the numbers have come back a bit in the last couple of years. It’s a change applauded by educators and financial advisers alike.

“Summer jobs are a great idea,” said Laura Levine, chief executive of the JumpStart Coalition, a nonprofit group that promotes financial literacy. “Money management begins with how to get that money in the first place.”


Working a summer job is less common among teenagers than it once was, according to an analysis published this month by the Pew Research Center. As recently as 2000, roughly half of those between the ages of 16 and 19 worked summer jobs, but that proportion dropped to about 30 percent during the financial crisis. Last summer, it rose to 35 percent.

This year, hiring of teenagers got off to a strong start in May, although the pace slowed slightly in June compared with last year. Still, the combined total of about 1.08 million jobs added for those two months is above average for the past decade, according to an analysis of federal data by the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

Andrew Challenger, the firm’s vice president, said the longer-term trend away from summer jobs doesn’t mean young people are lazy. “Teens are still busy,” he said. They’re doing things like volunteering in hurricane-stricken areas, taking extra classes or honing their sports skills to burnish their college applications. They may be making a calculation, he said, that such experiences make more of an impression on college admissions staff than a summer job scooping ice cream.


Whether they’re working to help support their families, saving for college or building a fund for some other goal, young workers should have a plan for the money they earn, Ms. Levine said. Earning a steady paycheck for the first time can make teenagers feel “cash rich” and lead to overspending, she said. “It can disappear quickly.”


Deciding ahead of time to put a certain amount into savings and spend a small amount on entertainment makes teenagers less likely to squander their earnings, she said.

这个内容具体化了前面说过的money management, 可以学习下什么是用detail来展开

Even though the overall unemployment rate has fallen amid a stronger economy, teenagers can have a hard time finding temporary summer jobs. The retail industry, for instance, a traditional place for teenagers to land summer work, is shifting away from brick and mortar stores and toward online sales, Mr. Challenger said.

Ms. Levine said, “Even when the job market is good, it does take diligence, and a willingness to be flexible.” That may mean taking a job that’s not a first choice. But a job means money and offers experience dealing with bosses, co-workers and customers.


In parts of the country where students will return to school in mid-August, much of the summer is already gone and employers may not be as eager to hire as they were in the spring. But often, entry-level jobs suitable for teenagers have high turnover, so it’s worth checking again, even if you didn’t find a job earlier in the summer, Mr. Challenger said.

Here are some questions and answers about summer jobs:

Why not just take the summer off and work during the school year?

Having a job during the school year can be fine, as long as you don’t overdo it. There’s a link between intense school-year employment — 20 or more hours a week — and the risk of dropping out, said Jeremy Staff, a professor of sociology and criminology at Penn State University. So it’s wise to limit your hours, if you can afford to.


