【科研ish】 科学60秒告诉我们关于洗手的惊人数据





Handwashing Stats Are Good, Could Be Better

Washing your hands is an excellent way to lower your risk of infection, especially for colds, flu and food-borne illnesses.  After using the bathroom, most people do indeed appear to wash their hands.  But a lot of people still don’t.  That’s the finding of a study sponsored by the American Society of Microbiology, along with the Soap and Detergent Association.  Sure the Soap and Detergent Association wants to sell soap, but using soap happens to make good sense.

food-borne illnesses:食物承载的疾病

do indeed appear to:真的确实看起来

a study sponsored by: 有。。。赞助的研究

Microbiology: 微生物学


happens to:碰巧

make good sense:有道理/合乎逻辑/讲得通

The study had researchers observe the behavior of over 6,000 adults in public restrooms.  No United States Senators were included. The sites were Penn Station and Grand Central Station in New York, Turner Field in Atlanta, the Museum of Science and Industry and the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and the Ferry Terminal Farmer’s Market in San Francisco.

(Turner Field)


public restrooms: 公共厕所

Senators: 参议员

Grand Central Station: 中央大车站

Turner Field: Turner球场

Shedd Aquarium: Shedd水族馆

Ferry Terminal Farmer’s Market: 轮渡终点站农民市场

Overall, 88 percent of women and 66 percent of men did wash their hands.  But in the last survey two years ago, 90 percent of women and 75 percent of men washed up. So remember, when it comes to illness, you really can sometimes wash your hands off the whole thing. 


wash your hands off:洗干净/彻底摆脱



Podcast Authors 

Steve Mirsky  主持科学美国人播客的 Science Talk.


2019 – Clean Hands for All

2018 – Clean hands – a recipe for health.

2017 – Our hands, our future.

2016 – Make handwashing a habit.

2015 – Raise a hand for hygiene.

2014 – Clean hands save lives. 

2013 – The power is in your hands.

2012 – I am a handwashing advocate.

2011 – Clean hands save lives.

2010 – Children and Schools.

2009 – Spread the word, not the germs.


