
整理了最近5天的外刊文章,这次比较慢,理出来了words 的部分。


wrongfoot v. 使措手不及; 使仓皇失措

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio said his Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, was caught wrongfooted during this month’s coronavirus-led market turmoil, as its flagship fund dropped about 20 per cent for the year following sharp reversals in stocks, bonds, commodities and credit.

spree 狂热

Instead, American blew most of its cash on a stock buyback spree. 

In the wake of = in the aftermath of = after

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, which is wreaking havoc on the airline industry, American Airlines has not yet asked for a bailout — at least not in so many words.

in-person services 面对面服务的(行业)

The next several weeks will leave behind many economic victims, including nearly every provider of in-person services.

flesh-and-blood camaraderie 和上面的in person 类似,就是不是虚拟的线上的,是线下见到的伙伴

But none of these replace flesh-and-blood camaraderie, and I suspect they’ll become less and less satisfying as the lockdown on group activities grinds on. (grind on 这里是推进的意思)

contraband 这里指偷带的

In another corner, a man was munching contraband doughnuts from a plastic carton. (Food is forbidden.)

toy v. 考虑

Before the coronavirus crisis hit, I was toying with writing a book about 21st-century political parties, but in light of this global epidemic it’s obvious that whatever nonfiction book you’re working on now, put it down.

upside = advantage 

The upside of exponentials. 

downside = disadvantage = drawback

One downside to blanket distribution is that some people don’t need the money. 

A drawback to sending money is that it takes time. 

backfire 有了不好的效果 

Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired


If anything, a call for people who hoarded masks to donate some of them to their local medical workers would probably work better than telling people that they don’t need them or that they won’t manage to make them work. 

for all = despite

For all the panic erupting elsewhere, most Singaporeans do not wear masks out, because the government has told them it’s not needed for their safety. 

hunger = desire 

At the very moment when many of us hunger most for the reassurance of company and the solace of community, we’re hustled into isolation. 

shore up 支持

Understandably, many American leaders have been focused on shoring up an economy that’s hemorrhaging money and trust. 

weather v. 经受住

Danny Caine, owner of The Raven Book Store in Lawrence, Kan., thought the store had weathered the worst of obstacles when it managed to stay in business after a giant Borders bookstore moved across the street. 

grappling with a problem = struggle with a problem 

Now, Mr. Caine and independent bookstore owners everywhere are grappling with the same problem: How to contain the financial fallout from the coronavirus outbreak.

curbside 东北话 马路牙子

Other stores are deploying similar strategies, like encouraging curbside book pickup.

复习下sugarcoat 这个单词。理解为粉饰是不是比较搭配

There is no use sugarcoating the virus, which has already had devastating consequences for people all over the world, and may get much worse in the months ahead.

silver lining  (困境中的) 一线希望 (Sun Sun 老师最爱的电影 Silver Linings Playbook 乌云背后的幸福线)

But if there is a silver lining in this crisis, it may be that the virus is forcing us to use the internet as it was always meant to be used — to connect with one another, share information and resources, and come up with collective solutions to urgent problems. 

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