
Harvard Business Review | 通才还是专才

focus 不好, diverse 好

I think so. The pressure to specialize early has really increased. I have eight-year-old twins, and as soon as they showed an aptitude for sports, I heard that they had to dedicate four days a week to baseball, join a travel team, and so on. They’re eight! But exposure to many things has real value. At the undergraduate level and in other professional programs, diverse skills are probably better than a specialized focus. 

diverse 的好处

Some research found that basketball players who specialized in three-point shooting made less money and had less fan appeal than players who could do other things well, too. Now, the person you want on your team may not be someone who can play every single position but be someone who has redeployable skills. I can use him in a variety of strategies and situations. This player is much harder to find than someone who does the same thing over and over.

New Yorker | 你为什么喜欢养宠物


Caring for an animal is such a strange act. It requires devotion and sacrifice for a being that will never call your name, whose thoughts you can never be sure of. We convince ourselves that we know the desires of our pets, but isn’t part of the allure of animals that they are not fellow human beings, that what they are asking of us is something completely different from what a family member or a friend or a lover asks?

Harvard Business Review | 领导的决策力

leader 的责任

Taking action in the face of incomplete data is an executive’s job. You sometimes won’t know if the decision was “right” until long after it’s made.

leader 要起到榜样作用

You better serve your people by modeling how to navigate that reality than by trying to convince them it can be avoided.

As an executive, how you make hard calls shapes your organization’s decision-making culture over time.

Leader 要快做决定

The emotional turmoil the executive caused — the very thing he had spent four months avoiding — was now much harsher than it would have been had he just told them when he first knew. 

The Atlantic | 如何获得创新的灵感


Without ever intending it, experienced leaders often allow what they know to limit what they can imagine going forward; their knowledge can actually get in the way of innovation.

diverse 的group learning 比individual 好

Needless to say, what people saw was a function of who they were and what they specialized in. And what everybody learned together was far richer and deeper than what any individual would have learned on their own.

New Yorker | 是看点娱乐的还是启迪的

看entertaining 和 edifying 的内容

This is where actually watching “Westworld” matters. The pleasure of entertainment aside, the makers of the series have produced a powerful work of philosophy. It’s one thing to sit in a seminar and argue about what it would mean, morally, if robots were conscious. It’s quite another to witness the torments of such creatures, as portrayed by actors such as Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton. You may still raise the question intellectually, but in your heart and your gut, you already know the answer.


It has long been speculated that enacting violence in a virtual world desensitizes people to violence in the real one. The evidence for such an effect turns out to be weak. In fact, as video games have become increasingly realistic, the rate of violent crime has dropped.

New York Times | 不要为了忙碌而忙碌


Suppressing negative feelings only gives them more power, she said, leading to intrusive thoughts, which makes people get even busier to keep them at bay. The constant cognitive strain of evading emotions underlies a range of psychological troubles such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression and panic attacks, not to mention a range of addictions. It is also associated with various somatic problems like eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, inflammation, impaired immunity and headaches.. (这个段落局部记忆就好)


Researchers have also found that an idle mind is a crucible of creativity. A number of studies have shown that people tend to come up with more novel uses for objects if they are first given an easy task that allows their minds to wander, rather than a more demanding one.

reflection 的重要性

Studies further suggest that not giving yourself time to reflect impairs your ability to empathize with others. “The more in touch with my own feelings and experiences, the richer and more accurate are my guesses of what passes through another person’s mind,”



LAB + 外刊年报
