

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
frank (adjective)
marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression - a frank reply
a) unmistakably evident - frank materialism
b) clinically evident and unmistakable - frank pus
frank (verb)
transitive verb
a) to mark (a piece of mail) with an official signature or sign indicating the right of the sender to free mailing
b) to mail free
c) to affix to (mail) a stamp or a marking indicating the payment of postage
to enable to pass or go freely or easily
frank (noun)
a) the signature of the sender on a piece of mail serving in place of a postage stamp - franked
b) a mark or stamp on a piece of mail indicating postage paid
c) a franked envelope
the privilege of sending mail free of charge
frank (noun)
- frankfurter
Frank (noun)
a member of a West Germanic tribal confederacy that entered the Roman provinces in 253, occupied the Netherlands and most of Gaul, and established themselves along the Rhine - a.d.
Frank (biographical name)
Anne 1929–1945 Ger.-born diarist during the Holocaust
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
frank (adjective)
free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions
candid, direct, forthcoming, forthright, foursquare, freehearted, free-spoken, honest, open, openhearted, out-front, outspoken, plain, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, unguarded, unreserved, up-front
artless, earnest, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive ( naïve), natural, real, sincere, unaffected, undesigning, unpretending, unpretentious; outgoing, uninhibited, unrestrained; vocal, vociferous; abrupt, bluff, blunt, brusque ( brusk), crusty, curt, gruff, sharp; impertinent, impolite, inconsiderate, rude, tactless, thoughtless, uncivil, undiplomatic, ungracious, unmannerly, unsubtle
inhibited, reserved, restrained; close-mouthed, laconic, quiet, reticent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicative; ambiguous, circuitous, equivocal, evasive; diplomatic, politic, tactful; civil, considerate, courteous, polite
dissembling, uncandid, unforthcoming
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