New York Times Daily Briefing
    Michael Barbaro: From the New York times, I'm Michael Barbaro. It's Tuesday, April 21st. Here's what you need to know today. On Monday, several states in the American South announced plans to begin to reopening their economies. Despite evidence of the Corona virus is still spreading across the country For the good of our state, social distancing must continue, but our economic shutdown cannot. South Carolina is allowing shops ranging from department stores to flea markets to resume operations immediately. Georgia said that residents could have returned to gyms and salons as Friday and dine at restaurants starting Monday and in Tennessee, governor Bill Lee said that most businesses would be allowed to reopen on May 1st. Bill Lee: While we continue to emphasize social distancing for Tennesseeans, I will not extend the Safer At Home order past April 30th. Michael Barbaro: All three states said they would still require social distancing measures at the reopened businesses, but it's unclear how they would be enforced. And for the first time in history, the price of a barrel of oil dipped below zero on Monday, as investors deemed its value as essentially worthless. The anomaly occurred because the pandemic is destroying demand for energy, meaning that there is now far more oil than can be used or stored. The negative price for barrels to be delivered in May revealed that sellers are now willing to pay for excess oil to be taken off their hands.

    That's it for today.
    I'm Michael Barbaro. See you tomorrow.
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