



Some people prefer technology for certain activities such as shopping and banking. Others prefer human interaction instead. Which one do you like? Please use details and examples to explain your answer.


考过的类似话题有 “机器会不会替代人类”,

Do you agree or disagree that robots are going to replace human beings to do work in the future? Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

也有范围比较小的,比如 “你喜欢用洗碗机还是喜欢用手洗碗”,

Some people like to wash the dishes using the dishwasher. Others prefer to wash the dishes by hand. Which do you prefer and why?

对 6.18 考试的这道题来说,略有点不同,是 technology 还是 human interaction,更多是从 customer 的角度来考虑。

如果喜欢 technology:

如果喜欢 human interaction:
可以说 technology 不是很方便,只有些基本的查询功能,像价格等等,但比较具体些的只有人才能回答,比如去超市买食材的的时候想要问食材的做法或者买电器问注意事项。另外 technology 没有 human interaction 来得有帮助,比如查商品位置的时候,机器会告诉你在几层几货架,但是你可能还是不了解,但是如果问售货员,他可能会带你去。



Human interaction

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 
Talented children should be treated and educated in a different way.Please explain why in details and examples in your answer. 
[重复 20170625]

重复 2017 的考题啦。


如果支持,就说他们分开接受教育可能能够更好发挥自己的潜能,另外对其他 regular kids 来说也比较好,压力不会那么大;

如果反对,可以说分开教育对这些 talented children 的其他能力培养可能不好,比如与同龄人的社交能力和沟通能力等等;另外一起学习也可以 inspire 其他的孩子。


“ I really, really wish they would be taught separately. It would be more beneficial for everyone.

I’m a gifted student. I’ve mentioned this on several other answers I have made in the giftedness topic, but I’ll say it again, for reference. I took a gifted test in 3rd grade and averaged a score of the 99th percentile on each component of the test.

I find school to be immeasurably boring. Each class is simply too easy.
None of them are particularly engaging to me
, and it has been this way since I was in kindergarten, when my peers were just learning how to read, and I could already read and write quite well.
I’m not challenged
in any of my classes
, and though this makes everything very easy for me, I do know it will be detrimental to me later in life, when I will be forced to study for exams, and I will find it nearly impossible.

Schools design their classrooms to be “equal”. This means putting slower kids in with faster kids, to make everything non-discriminatory. This system is bad for everyone.
The kids who need more time to absorb things cannot keep up with the faster kids, and the faster kids are dragged backwards with the slower ones.
Forget about placating everyone and their sensitive feelings. It’s more important to have an effective education system than an equal one, isn’t it?

Gifted kids have a capacity to learn faster and absorb information much more quickly than non-gifted kids.
They also have the capacity to understand topics on a much deeper level than others. If they were taught separately, they would be more challenged within their peer groups and work harder. They would be more interested in school and learning, and many would stop underachieving, as their competitive streaks came out.
Naturally, there are different types of giftedness, ranging from academic to creative to physical. It’s mostly the academic kids who would need special classrooms, but creatively and physically gifted students could be given more ample opportunities to explore their gifts as well. This would
allow gifted students to more fully reach their potentials instead of wasting away in the traditional

Of course, this is all ideal, and the world is not ideal. [ 如果反对,可以说不现实:
Hardly anyone has the time, the resources, the patience, or the motivation to create such an environment for gifted students
, and this is a regrettable but unavoidable consequence of living in a world where we must cater to the majority. ”

Originally Answered by April Astoria on Quora: Should gifted students be taught separately?

Some people prefer to communicate with the group members online when working on a group project. Others prefer to do the project with the group members face to face. Which one do you think is better?


去年9月21日下午场就考过个差不多构思的,当时还说这题每年都考… 今年就又考了…



再来个2019 全年口语总结及题目:2019 TOEFL 口语年终总结 




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