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# Words









# Words

latch on to  (exploit) 揪住…不放

The lungs aren’t the only target. The coronavirus also has the ability to latch on to, hijack and destroy cells of the kidneys, Yang said.

-susceptible to

Normally, children under the age of 1 are very susceptible toa lot of things.”

war footing  备战状态;战时状态;

e.g. campus on war footing

Rotten Advice 想法很烂

‘Don’t Panic’ Is Rotten Advice

dawn 表示“明白”

It dawned on me: Sensational reporting and social media were making fear more contagious than the virus itself.

diehard 这里可以理解为很、非常、十分

Costco diehards know that weekends are for amateurs. 

brace: prepare (someone or oneself) for something difficult or unpleasant

I spent nine months bracing for the worst. 

sugarcoat 这里可以理解为美化(字面意思就是“糖衣”)

In their efforts not to sugarcoat the difficulties of modern parenting, online resources for moms have become a scary place.

stalker 本身表示跟踪者,这里可以理解为时刻关注数字的人

My husband tells me that he looks at coronavirus statistics “once a day — or so.” I know he looks at the numbers at least two or three times a day, but he’s not willing to admit it. He’s a statistics stalker.

hinge on = depend on/rely on 

Success, they say, hinges on whether remote employees can maintain their sense of collaboration and community without feeling left out. 

lose ground  字面意思就是失去阵地

The bus started to lose ground many decades ago as Americans bought cars, suburbanized and spread out.

seismic 此处表示改变特别大

Many seismic shifts in urban life are reflected in this one datapoint — the broad decline of bus ridership.

agape 大张着嘴的

 His mouth was agape in shock, then he slumped back into his seat. 

swamp 本身是淹没的意思,这里表示有一个抱怨占了主导

One complaint swamped everything else: Loneliness.

minefield 本身表示雷区,这里可以理解为线上沟通很容易滋生言语伤害

But online communications can be a minefield for psychological safety, according to Bill Duane, a former Google engineer who now works remotely as a corporate consultant and researcher.



“On Diversity” is philosophically generous, occasionally witty, tightly reasoned and engagingly written. 


These results seem to point to a society-wide gag rule that discourages the discussion of financial details.

In this sense

Many Americans do have trouble talking about money—but not all of them, not in all situations, and not for the same reasons. In this sense, the “money taboo” is not one taboo but several, each tailored to a different social context.

There’s every reason to think

Studies show that paying for sick employees to stay home significantly reduces the spread of the seasonal flu. There’s every reason to think it would help to check the spread of the new coronavirus, too.

There is also no doubt that

There is also no doubt that people can err by paying too little attention to the news. A student at my university recently asked why hand washing signs were now posted everywhere. She had never heard of the coronavirus.

That means….

The best way to prevent “community spread” is to spread out the community. That means keeping people apart. No more handshakes, group photos and “free hugs” from those cosplayers at Comic-Con. In fact, it might mean no more Comic-Con for a little while, as well as no trade shows, concerts or any other events that draw a large crowd.

No wonder

No wonder plenty of us delay pregnancy only to enter motherhood with trepidation. But for all the “expecting the worst,” we could benefit from “hoping for the best” — and knowing it’s a real possibility.

To be sure 表示让步

To be sure, we do not know for sure that looking more at the statistics caused increased fear. It may be that fearful people were driven to look more at the statistics. (We’ll continue to study these people over time to see what more we can learn.)


The uncertainty has many sources. One is that SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes, covid-19, are not fully understood (see article). Another is over the status of the pandemic. In each region or country it tends to proliferate rapidly undetected. By the time testing detects cases in one place it will be spreading in many others, as it was in Italy, Iran and South Korea. By the time governments shut schools and ban crowds they may be too late.


These approaches are supported by empirical evidence. In my team’s recent work, just submitted for peer review, we found that for measles, a disease dominated by airborne transmission, a significant risk reduction can be achieved by increasing ventilation rates and enhancing filtration levels.

There is also ample evidence that viruses survive better at low humidity — precisely what happens during winter, or in the summer in air-conditioned spaces. Some heating and ventilation systems are equipped to maintain humidity in the optimal range of 40 percent to 60 percent, but most are not. In that case, portable humidifiers can increase humidity in rooms, particularly in a home.

And most professionals are terrible at it too. Study after study has shown that “active” investors, meaning ones who shuffle investments around to take advantage of new information and supposed opportunities, tend to do worse than “passive” investors, meaning ones who buy the broad market and walk away. 

Indeed, recent surveys from financial and market-research firms have found that in 34 percent of cohabiting couples (married or not), one or both partners couldn’t correctly identify how much money the other makes; that only 17 percent of parents with an income above $100,000 a year had told (or planned to tell) their children how much they earn or their net worth; and that people are “more comfortable” talking with friends about marital discord, mental health, addiction, race, sex, and politics than money.



So the preference for very old candidates seems to be weirdly, specifically American. What’s that about? Maybe it’s about decades of youth disengagement from politics. According to The Economist, older Americans have outvoted younger Americans by a wider margin than in the typical OECD country. This is particularly true at the local level. As Timothy Noah writes in Politico, studies have found that the median voter age in America’s municipal elections is 57—“nearly a generation older than the median age of eligible voters.”

代parenting 是不是容易了

In their efforts not to sugarcoat the difficulties of modern parenting, online resources for moms have become a scary place. Over a decade ago, rants and frank stories about “what nobody tells you about parenthood” became fodder for the mommy blogosphere (typically ending with a cheerful caveat that “it’s all worth it”). More recently, complaints have evolved from endless laundry and bratty toddlers to weightier matters like postpartum mental health, birth trauma and the lack of support for working moms.

The internet has offered a crucial platform to speak up about these issues and extend solidarity to moms in their darkest moments — whether through evidenced-based research or snarky memes. Indeed, for mothers who suffer from postpartum depression or anxiety, their experience may in fact be much worse than they’ve been warned.

But somewhere between the desperate confessions and the impossibly picture-perfect life some moms dreamed of (or curated on Instagram), there’s the reality that many of us will experience in the first years of motherhood: It’s not always going to be easy, but it’s going to be all right.

At a time when women are especially prone to anxiety — and when many have ruled out parenthood as too much of a burden already — the online chatter can fuel our fears. During my pregnancy, Bustle came out with a headline stating what so many articles implied: “Young Women Are Convinced Motherhood Is Going To Suck — And They’re Right.”


Some would contend that regularly checking to see how many people are infected and how many have died is critical to staying informed. But there is reason to think that doing so can be pointless or even counterproductive. We know that day traders who stalk the stock market often lose money because they mistake noise as a signal to buy or sell. While some amount of information about coronavirus cases is required for us to be prepared, does too much information distort our judgment and cause us to needlessly worry?

The psychologist Par Bjalkebring and I recently conducted research that suggests it does. About two weeks ago, we asked 1,279 Americans if they had spent time each day over the past week reading statistical information and looking at graphs about the coronavirus. About half (47.5 percent) said they did — we’ll call them the statistics stalkers — and about half (52.5 percent) did not. Men were more likely to stalk (55 percent) than women (43 percent).

distant work/study 不好

In the 2016 paper “Does Working From Home Work?” a team of economists looked at Ctrip, a 16,000- employee Chinese travel agency that had randomly assigned a small group of its call-center staff to work from home. At first, the experiment seemed like a win-win for workers and owners. Employees worked more, quit less, and said they were happier with their job. Meanwhile, the company saved more than $1,000 per employee on reduced office space. But when Ctrip rolled out this policy to the entire company, it caused a mess. One complaint swamped everything else: Loneliness.

Beyond lost creativity and companionship, the gravest threat to many companies from remote work is that it breaks the social bonds that are necessary to productive teamwork. Several years ago, Google conducted a research project on its most productive groups. The company found that the most important quality was “psychological safety”—a confidence that team members wouldn’t embarrass or punish individuals for speaking up.



Now, let’s ratchet up the sacrifice: Suppose you were required by law to turn the thermostat up to 75 in the summer, and down to 66 in the winter, in order to reduce your carbon footprint. 

But in the past few weeks, I’ve learned to be fearful of things possibly more contagious than Covid-19: racism and the silence of those who witness it.

封号: 前后是完整句子结构

Our ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ Is Killing the Planet

 -I, for one, would bristle; I can’t stand being hot in summer. 

 -For instance, drinking to excess, Mill said, deserves reprobation, but not prohibition; it’s a self-regarding act.


 引号: 在句号的后面

 Our ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ Is Killing the Planet

 “I would never have the strength to do that.” I wasn’t kidding. 


 The Green New Deal also mandates “sustainable farming,” which usually includes reductions in methane emissions from livestock, while the Dutch law takes aim at ham through limits to pork production.


 A liberal, as he once put it, was prepared to use government to ensure the ordinary citizen “the right to his own economic and political life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


“I feel like crap,” said Schwartz, 60, of North Hills, Calif. “I want to know, why can’t I get this test?”


“Anybody that needs a test gets a test. Anybody that needs a test. They are all set, they have them out there,” Trump said. “As of right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test can get one.”

“Since CDC and FDA haven’t authorized public health or hospitals to run the tests, right now #CDC is the only place that can. So, screening has to be rationed,” Gottlieb tweeted on Feb. 2.

This is not the ticket dispenser at the deli counter; it’s a public health emergency!” the nurse, who was not named, wrote in a statement shared by the California Nurses Association. “I am a registered nurse, and I need to know if I am positive before going back to caring for patients. 



 What went wrong with the coronavirus tests in the U.S.


 She has already been tested for the flu — she was negative — and other problems have been ruled out.


 It involved a part of the third component intended to be a backstop — a double-check so that when labs get a negative result, they can trust it. 


 Demand for testing was manageable at the time — in part because the CDC criteria for who should get tested required recent travel to China or close contact with a confirmed case. 


 They considered pursuing FDA approval for their tests but complained they didn’t have the resources or expertise — or access to crucial materials such as the virus itself — for the complicated application process required during a public health emergency.




At the foundation of classical liberalism is John Stuart Mill’s principle that every individual must be free to speak and act as he wishes “so long as he refrains from molesting others in what concerns them, and merely acts according to his own inclination and judgment in things which concern himself.”


One man’s meat is another man’s poison, as F.D.R. put it, more prescient than he knew. 



I don’t recall if toilet paper was in that bag. But I do know now that the best talisman in a period of crisis may be the inexorable passage of time.

The Stock Market Is Tanking. Do Nothing.

And study after study has shown that the old investment chestnut is correct: Time in the market beats timing the market.
