
German Chancellor Angela Merkel used a commencement speech at Harvard to defend multilateralism and free trade in one of her most pointed critiques of policies championed by President Trump.
德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)利用在哈佛大学毕业典礼上致辞的机会捍卫多边主义和自由贸易,批评特朗普(Donald Trump)的政策,尖锐程度在她之前的表态中并不多见。

The German chancellor’s address Thursday to the students, parents and staff at the university drew standing ovations as she warned against building walls and distorting the truth.

“Protectionism and trade conflicts endanger the free global trade and the very foundations of our prosperity,” Ms. Merkel said.

“We must not call lies truths and never deem truths lies. We must not accept aberrations as our normalcy.”

Germany and Europe have been facing the threat of U.S. tariffs since Mr. Trump took office in 2017, straining the bond between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies. Ms. Merkel has also been an early critic of Mr. Trump’s “America First” doctrine, calling instead for preserving the global multilateral order.
自2017年特朗普上台以来,德国和整个欧洲都面临美国的关税威胁,导致北大西洋公约组织 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 简称﹕北约)盟友之间的关系紧张。默克尔很早就对特朗普的“美国优先”(America First)信条提出了批评,呼吁维护全球多边秩序。

“More than ever we must think multilaterally instead of unilaterally and act globally instead of nationally; we must be open to the world instead of being isolationist. We must act together and not alone,” Ms. Merkel said.

Ms. Merkel and Mr. Trump did not meet during her two-day stay in the U.S. because the president’s schedule would not allow it, German government sources said.

The German leader, who holds a doctorate in quantum chemistry and received an honorary degree from Harvard, demanded urgent action on climate change and pledged to work toward making her country’s economy carbon-neutral by 2050.

Ms. Merkel, who spent the first half of her life in Soviet-dominated former East Germany, said growing up behind the Iron Curtain taught her to oppose walls and borders between people.

“Tear down walls of ignorance and narrowmindedness, for nothing has to stay as it is. Take joint action in the interests of a multilateral global world,” Ms. Merkel told the graduates.

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