
Huge Jackman 的最新电影 《Bad Education》,  宣传说是根据真实事件改编的,讲述了最早有校报记者揭露,后主流报纸才介入的纽约长岛一所K-12名校高层挪用公款的事件。




以下文章刊登于New York Times, 电影里校报记者之一的自述

原标题:On Top of the News at Roslyn High

原作者:Rebekah Rombom

原刊于:New York Times, June 27, 2004


Rebekah Rombom, one of two editors in chief of The Hilltop Beacon, the student newspaper at Roslyn High School, did what few high school journalists ever do: she broke some real news. Her article about the embezzlement scandal in the Roslyn School District was a major scoop.

Her account of how the article evolved appears below.

Ms. Rombom, who was scheduled to graduate yesterday from Roslyn High, will attend Dartmouth in the fall and plans to major in English with a minor in public-policy studies. She expects to write for the college newspaper and to go into journalism when she graduates.

In the scandal, Pamela C. Gluckin, 58, the school district’s former assistant superintendent for business, pleaded not guilty on June 1 to first-degree grand larceny. This was almost two years after the school board allowed her to resign quietly and to repay $250,000 she had been accused of charging to school district credit cards.

The Nassau district attorney is now investigating at least $7.8 million in questionable spending by Roslyn school employees.

On June 10, the school board announced that it had accepted the resignation of Frank A. Tassone as district superintendent. School officials say that are looking into payments of several hundred thousand dollars paid to a company that lists Dr. Tassone’s Manhattan apartment as its address.

BY the end of February, the March issue of The Hilltop Beacon was coming together in a manner that was now quite familiar to me and my co-editor: news articles about students who had won awards and columns about sports and entertainment graced 11-by-17-inch pieces of paper that we would soon decorate with a generous smattering of red ink.

Just before we were set to start production, though, my co-editor, Sam Floam, asked if I had heard the latest newsworthy tidbit. I replied that I had not, and she proceeded to relay some information about a woman who had allegedly stolen money from our school district two years earlier. Later that day I, too, received the same information from another source.

Apparently, Dr. Frank Tassone, who was then the superintendent of the Roslyn School District, had had meetings with the leaders of several civic associations and school committees. During these meetings, he informed these individuals that an anonymous letter had surfaced containing information and allegations regarding the theft, as well as other information. Dr. Tassone said in an interview two days after these meetings that the letter contained false information.

With few details about the story, Sam and I had an impromptu conference with one of our faculty advisers in the hallway outside his classroom. We were somewhat conflicted about whether to report a story that seemed sketchy when we had so little time to gather information. Writers for the Beacon often complained that it was difficult to schedule interviews with administrators on short notice.

Our adviser’s advice was simple: we were a newspaper, he told us, and it was our responsibility to report the news. We decided to do just that. This was big news, and no media outlet had reported the story. I then volunteered to write the article.

On the evening of March 4, the Board of Education convened in a public session. There were relatively few community members in attendance, but those who attended regularly seemed to notice that the turnout was markedly larger than usual.

The board president, William Costigan, read a statement regarding the embezzlement. After his statement, he opened the floor for questions and comments. Although the tone of most every question at that first meeting was accusatory, the audience behaved in a civilized manner, and the meeting ended at a reasonable hour.

The next morning, I decided to forgo my normal school uniform of sweatpants and a T-shirt for something a bit more professional. Being taken seriously during an interview, I reasoned, was more likely if I was properly outfitted.

As I was sitting, slightly more uncomfortably than usual, in my third-period economics class, a secretary walked in and handed my teacher a note. He read it and then announced that Dr. Jayson Stoller, the high school principal, wanted to see me. I grabbed a pen and some paper as I left the room amid ”Oooo’s” and one or two utterances of ”What’d you do?”

I practically skipped down the stairs and into the office. The gravity of the news and its implications for the district had not yet hit me. I was simply curious, and excited to uncover the facts. I found Dr. Stoller, who told me that the assistant superintendent for human resources was expecting me at the administration building and that a telephone interview with Dr. Tassone had already been scheduled.

As I was in the process of gathering information, I was informed that I would not be able to use the name of the woman accused of embezzling the money. This struck me as a bit odd, since I, along with a handful of other community members, already knew that she had been identified as Pamela C. Gluckin, the district’s assistant superintendent for business.

However, with the word ”lawsuit” ringing in my ears, I omitted her name from the article. There was even a question about the use of the female pronoun, which I, in the end, decided was ambiguous enough to print. I was also told that I needed to show the article to the high school principal as well as the director of community relations. Both read it promptly and neither requested that anything be changed.

On the morning that the Beacon was to be distributed, I bounded out of bed a full 20 minutes early. We had published some great articles and opinion pieces in previous issues, but at least in the last four years when I was on the staff, the Beacon had never broken such a big story.

During school that day I watched for reactions to the story, but the students as a whole were not as receptive as I had expected. We don’t have formal circulation numbers, but by the number of papers still lying around school at the end of the day, I would say that our April Fool’s Day issue was much more widely read.

I saw a more interested audience at the next Board of Education meeting, though, and realized that at least a few issues of the Beacon had made it home to parents. Some of them recognized my name, and one mother even seemed thankful, saying that she had heard of the embezzlement for the first time when she read the Beacon.

It was not my goal or intention to create a situation of this magnitude in my own school district, and I certainly did not expect to supply a catalyst for such a huge ordeal. However, I believe it was inevitable that this story would have surfaced eventually. All we did was push it there a little faster.


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