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以下是部分过去近一个月 Reads 阅读外刊的积累。主要从语料、表达、观点几个方面展开。

# 语料


In the fall of 2017, a year that would ultimately see American police officers fatally shoot 986 people, Justin Bieber dominated headlines for days because of a single Black Lives Matter post on his Instagram. The following summer, Harry Styles earned rapturous praise for adding a Black Lives Matter sticker to the guitar he played at a show in Detroit. Bieber and Styles, two young white stars with massive fan bases, did what many public figures do when looking, earnestly or otherwise, to support a social movement. They resorted to symbolism….

Atlantic | Why It Matters That So Many People Are Donating to Bail Funds

对应话题: 20191102 TOEFL 考场独立写作 Celebrities like actors, musicians, athletes, sometimes express their political views publicly. Some people think it is appreciated to know their political views. Some think it is not appropriate or useful. Which do you agree and why.


School start times are the biggest reason teens don’t get enough sleep. There may have been some justification for it in the past, but not now. Maybe, when teens return to a school schedule, school start times should heed the evidence and start later.

On average, most adolescents achieve fewer than seven hours of sleep a night during the week and eight on weekends. That’s not enough. The natural response is to tell kids to go to bed earlier.

New York Times | The Coronavirus Has Made It Obvious. Teenagers Should Start School Later.

对应话题:20160109 In some places, students have to arrive very early at school in the morning. Some people believe this is a fast approach for students to get down to study, while others think arriving late is better. Which do you prefer?

# 表达


①  It is true that…. + 让步. But claims that… have little basis in reality. 

e.g. It is true that universities do not have unlimited discretion regarding how to use their endowments: Much of the money is subject to legal restrictions of various kinds. But claims that it would harm wealthy institutions to draw from their endowments at a significantly higher rate to help ameliorate the financial effects of the pandemic have little basis in reality.

New York Times | Rich Colleges Can Afford to Spend More

② it should be easy to conclude that..+ 让步. Yet such … is unwarranted.

e.g. …it would be easy to conclude that police violence and racial inequality in America are just too hard a problem to fix. Yet such pessimism is unwarranted. It is also counter-productive.

Economist | Police violence, race and protest in America


③ Opposition usually falls into two camps. The first thinks that … 第一个反方态度. The second thinks … 第二个反方态度.

Let’s start with the first group.  开始反驳第一个

….the other group argues that … 开始反驳第二个

Letting teenagers sleep later in the morning raises the hackles of most adults. Opposition usually falls into two camps. The first thinks that it won’t make a difference. The second thinks it’s impractical. Both are wrong, especially now.

Let’s start with the first group. Many believe that if we let teenagers wake later, they will just stay up later, getting no benefit overall. Some also think that permitting them to sleep in will be seen as “giving in” and not preparing them for the real world.

Confronted by ample evidence (the study is far from the first to argue for later start times, although it’s arguably one of the best), the other group argues that it’s just not feasible to start school later. Many school systems use the same set of buses for schools of all ages — elementary, middle and high school. 

New York Times | The Coronavirus Has Made It Obvious. Teenagers Should Start School Later.


– convulsions (pl.) 动乱

Our country is going through biological, economic and societal convulsions

New York Times | Think Outside the Box, Jack

– contactless delivery 无接触递送

Delivery, though, is slightly safer because of contactless delivery, which lets workers leave food at your door, said Ben Chapman, a professor and food safety specialist at North Carolina State University. 

New York Times | Is Takeout and Delivery Food Safe?

# 观点


It can be difficult to grasp what such numbers mean. Here is one way to think about it. Princeton has about 8,200 students. Ordinarily, the school spends around 5 percent of its total endowment each year. This means Princeton’s endowment generates about $158,000 per student in annual revenue.

New York Times | Rich Colleges Can Afford to Spend More


The Wall Street Journal had a chilling report a few days ago that Facebook’s own research in 2018 revealed that “our algorithms exploit the human brain’s attraction to divisiveness. If left unchecked,” Facebook would feed users “more and more divisive content in an effort to gain user attention & increase time on the platform.”

New York Times | Think Outside the Box, Jack

LAB Reads

