Huawei Technologies Co. is pinning its hopes on a self-designed operating system to replace Google’s Android following a U.S. blacklisting. The question is: Can it succeed where others have failed?
在美国将华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)列入黑名单后,这家中国科技公司寄希望于用自主研发的操作系统取代谷歌(Google)的Android系统。问题是:尝试这样做的其他公司都失败了,华为能成功吗?

Huawei last week was granted a trademark, “Hongmeng,” for the operating system by the trademark office of China’s National Intellectual Property Administration. The company has been working on the system under the code name “Project Z” as an insurance policy in case it lost access to American technology like Android, which powers Huawei’s popular smartphones, and hopes to release it later this year.
上周中国国家知识产权局商标局为华为批准公示一个操作系统品类的“鸿蒙”商标。该公司一直以代号“Project Z”开发这套系统,作为无法使用Android等美国技术时的后备方案。华为希望在今年晚些时候发布这套系统。目前华为智能手机使用的是Android系统。

That scenario happened when Google was forced to cut off access to software after the U.S. Commerce Department placed Huawei on its “entity list,” banning the transfer of U.S. technology to the Chinese company without a license, on the grounds of national security.

Persuading users to switch operating systems is notoriously difficult. Several tech companies including Samsung Electronics Co. and Microsoft Corp. have built homemade alternatives to Android but they never caught on with smartphone users. The market is effectively a duopoly, with Android running on 87% of smartphones sold in the first quarter, and Apple’s iOS running on almost all of the rest, according to market research firm Canalys.
说服用户更换操作系统的难度众所周知。包括三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)和微软(Microsoft Corp., MSFT)在内的几家科技公司都曾推出Android的自主替代品,但从未受到智能手机用户的欢迎。市场研究公司Canalys的数据显示,智能手机市场实际上是双头垄断的,今年第一季度售出的智能手机中,87%搭载的是Android系统,其余几乎全部使用苹果公司(Apple Inc., AAPL)的iOS系统。

“You’re providing the consumer with a brand new ecosystem—brand new very basic apps, and you need to persuade them to try them,” said Mo Jia, an analyst at Canalys. “It’s quite hard for Huawei, to be honest.”

Huawei’s operations face damage from the U.S.’s export ban, despite investing heavily in recent years to develop its own components and software to reduce its reliance on the U.S. Other Chinese tech manufacturers are even more reliant on U.S. suppliers, making the disruption of supplies such as chips and operating systems a weapon in the broader trade fight between Washington and Beijing.

Details about Huawei’s new operating system beyond the trademarked name remain scant. Hongmeng won’t necessarily be the operating system’s final name, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Within Huawei, fostering a new ecosystem of widely used apps to go with the operating system will be the biggest challenge and it would take at least two to three years, according to a person familiar with the matter. Consumers outside of China, who are used to using Google’s suite of apps, are less likely to make the switch than Chinese users, Mr. Jia said. A Google spokesman declined to comment.
据一位知情人士称,在华为内部,培养出一个新的生态系统,让那些使用广泛的应用程序可在这一操作系统上运行是最大的挑战,而且可能需要至少耗时两到三年。 贾沫称,中国以外的消费者已经习惯了谷歌的应用套装,与中国用户相比,他们改用其他操作系统的可能性更低。谷歌发言人未予置评。

Richard Yu, the head of Huawei’s consumer business, said in an interview with CNBC on May 22 that the company’s operating system could be ready for use in China by the end of the year, and for international markets early next year. A Huawei spokesman confirmed the remarks.
华为消费者设备业务负责人余承东(Richard Yu)在5月22日接受CNBC采访时称,该公司的操作系统或在今年年底前在中国市场准备就绪,国际市场则要到明年年初。华为发言人证实了这一表态。

Android is an open-source software, meaning Huawei can continue using the public version of the operating system on its phones. But future phone models won’t be able to license popular Google apps like Gmail, Google Maps and Play, and Google will lose the ability to provide security and software updates for users beyond a 90-day reprieve announced by the Commerce Department this week.

The loss of Android is a blow to Huawei’s wildly successful smartphone business. Worldwide shipments rose 50% in the first quarter, bucking a broader market slump, outselling Apple Inc., and trailing only Samsung, according to IDC. Revenue for Huawei’s consumer business—which sells laptops, smartwatches and other gadgets—grew 45% last year and is now the company’s largest single business division.
对华为极其成功的智能手机业务来说,失去Android无疑是一个打击。国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,华为今年第一季度全球出货量增长50%,销量超过苹果公司(Apple Inc., AAPL),仅次于三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.),与市场整体下滑局面形成对比。华为销售笔记本电脑、智能手表和其他电子产品的消费者业务去年收入增长了45%,目前是该公司最大的单一业务部门。

U.S. consumers aren’t likely to be familiar with Huawei devices. No major carriers sell its handsets in the U.S., and Huawei’s broader business of telecom networking equipment has been effectively blocked from competing in the U.S. beyond rural markets since a 2012 Congressional report branded it a security threat. Huawei has long denied that it is a threat. Europe and China are instead its biggest markets.

Smartphone makers have had limited success in getting consumers to switch operating systems in the past. Samsung launched a rival operating system several years ago dubbed “Tizen,” but it failed to gain traction among smartphone users. A bid by Microsoft to sell smartphones with a version of its Windows operating system also fared poorly.
从以往来看,智能手机制造商在成功引导消费者更换操作系统方面成果有限。几年前,三星电子推出了一款名为“Tizen”的竞争性操作系统,但未能在智能手机用户中引起关注。微软(Microsoft Corp., MSFT)试图销售搭载Windows操作系统的智能手机,但同样表现欠佳。