关于Bill Gates 的几个冷知识

Gate’s father was a wealthy lawyer in Seattle and his mother was the daughter of a well to do banker. At the beginning of seventh grade of his studies, his parents sent him to the Lakeside, a private school. Midway through Gate’s second year at Lake side, the school started a computer club. It was an amazing thing owning a computer club in 1968, by the school specially. Most of the colleges didn’t have computer clubs at 1968. Gates and his classmate Paul Allen began to do real time programming  as an 8th grader in 1968.

Bill Gates once released mosquitoes on people during a presentation on Malaria and said, “There’s no reason why only the poor should have this experience”

In his TED 2009 speech on malaria, he literally released mosquitoes on his audience. Though he later confirmed that the mosquitoes did not carry malaria.

He confessed this in 2013, and said the command was invented to prevent applications from generating fake logins and stealing the user’s password.

When Bill Gates was recruited to write the class scheduling software for his high school, he tweaked the program’s code such that he was placed in a class with mostly female students.

He wrote a letter to Steve Jobs when Jobs was dying, which Jobs kept by his bedside

He praised him in the letter, underlining the importance of everything Jobs had achieved

It’s the picture taken in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1977, when he was arrested for a driving offense. 

Gates doesn’t know any foreign languages. That, he says, is his biggest regret in life thus far.

Gates scored a 1590 out of 1600 on his SATs.

LAB + 周末愉快
