

Step 1 老师给外刊内容的中文内容

Step 2 打卡同学根据中文翻译为英文

Step 3 老师批改同学的翻译

Step 4 老师讲解外刊原文,总结知识点



  1.  引号在逗号和句号的外面

  2. 美式英语多用双引号

  3. 引号不能连接两句话,所以当要连接两个加引号的句子的时候,要么加上句号,要么用连接词连接

例子 (来自于纽约时报)

“It was a whole event,” he recalled recently. [用句号连接两个加引号的句子,并列后面一个引号内首字母大写] “Like, ‘I don’t know when we’ll see each other again. Our love will find a way.’ And then: ‘Bon voyage, small town! Hollywood,here I come!’ ”

“I was allowed one call, and my parents weren’t home,” Driver recalled,“so [用连词so连接两个加引号的句子,所有引号外用逗号就可以,而且so 不用大写]I didn’t talk to anybody for a long time.”


1. 冒号前面一定格式完整句子。 后面可以是词,也可以是短语,也可以是句子。

2. 如果是句子,那么首字母大写;

3. 如果不是句子,小写

例子 (来自于纽约时报)

The National Retail Federation, a trade association, projected earlier this year that purchases for spouses and significant others would account for the majority of Valentine’s Day spending in 2020: Their [冒号后这里是个完整的句子,所以要大写] share of total spending on the holiday is estimated to be 52 percent, which is a drop from 61 percent 10 years ago. 


1. 分号前后是完整句子结构 [严格意义上有更多要求,但是对于不考GMAT 的考生来说,了解这一点就够了]

2. 分号后面的首字母不用大写

例子 (来自Atlatic )

A nonacademic might think the campaign against opaque writing is a no-brainer;  [前后是完整句子,后面句子的首字母小写] of course, researchers should want to maximize comprehension of their work.


  1. 要么是两个逗号

  2. 要么是两个破折号

  3. 内容上来说,要确保插入的内容对于主句是没有影响的,也就是如果一个部分称为插入语,意味着,这个内容去掉,是不影响整个句子的表达的

例子 (来自于纽约时报)

Timing, we believe, [两个逗号]is an art. In fact, timing is really a science. For several decades, researchers in dozens of fields- from economics to anesthesiology to social psychology– [两个破折号] have been unearthing the hidden science of timing.

LAB + 在家备考
